
Henry VIII


Henry VIII Exhibition


This major exhibition at the British Library in London celebrated the 500th anniversary of Henry VIII’s accession to the throne. With an outstanding collection of historic objects the brief was to create an experience that evoked the Tudor period and sensibility without replicating a historically exact Tudor interior.

Commissioning Random International to produce interactive exhibits we kept the technology ‘hidden’ in order to capture for the visitor the excitement of discovering original documents and, through thermo-active ink, have Henry himself adding his notes as you read.
We worked closely with the British Library and guest curator David Starkey to develop a concept that reinterpreted the Tudor patterns, palette and interiors with contemporary graphics and materials.

Using ‘Tudor’ forms and strong graphic way-finding we were able to create a clear narrative through Henry’s life, presenting the characters with whom he engaged in his court and changing the mood of the spaces to capture how Henry himself might have been feeling.